Unofficial Vital Student ‘Zine

Class of ‘23 Edition

My Unofficial Vital Study Zine features observations from learning on the inaugural Vital class of ‘23

Search my Unofficial Vital Student ‘Zine by expert lecturer, or by the topics Approach, Therapy, Space Holding, Medical, Integration… and the funny pages:

Here’s all the back issues of the Unofficial Vital Student ‘Zine

My Unofficial Vital Student Zine features observations from learning on the inaugural Vital class of ‘23. The top post is a round-up. Highlights follow themed by Vital’s core learning elements: Traditional and Modern Approaches, Therapy, Space Holding, Medicine, and Integration. Plus there’s funnies at the end.

This blog is not affiliated to Vital beyond my study on the course. The content shouldn’t be taken as representative as it’s a personal reflection and includes my own lived experience of the sector too.