DMT vs Death




Is DMT hyperspace the afterlife and do we become an ‘entity’ when we die?

Mary Jacoob ‘Nexus 02’
via Gallery 46

DMT is produced in the body at the moment our physical existence ends.

And, according to a recent paper by proper brainbox Dr Christopher Timmerman, DMT replicates the near death experience (NDE). So is DMT intended only for that final event in our lives? And is a DMT trip a ticket to the realm beyond?

Judging by his own enthusiastic research “the truth is “going to be more complex,” says Dr Luke, who has studied more than one shamanistic tradition first hand in detail.

“There are features of the DMT experience you don’t get with NDE,” says Dr Luke, “Intense geometric patterns and colours for example, which are fundamental. Encounters with deceased relatives, and premonition [predicting the future] are less common in DMT. But 4-5% of people who take DMT have a ‘deceased encounter’ – but no ‘life review’ or ‘tunnel’.”

‘DMT entities’ are also unique to substance, Dr Luke adds. “Then there are the encounters with little people that have been around for a long time,” he says, “Graham Hancock made a direct comparison with them to modern-day alien abduction experiences. Although traditionally they were associated with the world of the dead. There’s many layers - the two not the same, I would say. They may be related. DMT may be ‘released’ at death. It may be created in the pineal gland. But we don’t have enough hard evidence.”

There are many other hypotheses: “I have colleagues who believe DMT entities are ‘intro-ceptive.’ You’re encountering your own micro-biome, mitochondria or other internal structures,” says Dr Luke, “Interesting theory, but it doesn’t account for the 25 -foot tall preying mantises.”

DMT is prevalent at much higher levels in the human body than previously believed. Maybe to the same extent as serotonin, to which it is increasingly compared

So should we, like our mate says, avoid taking DMT in case it uses up all our death high, and our eventual moment of union with the cosmic whole is, like, a dud?

According to hardcore research where scientists monitored the brain activity in rats while they died, DMT is produced at six times the normal level at the moment of extermination. But other chemicals, including serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine are blasted at many more times the normal levels.

“There’s very good reasons to think DMT is produced in the human pineal gland,” says Dr Luke, “but it could be made in the body.” In 2019 a heavyweight paper from the DMT Quest organisation concluded DMT is prevalent at much higher levels in the human body than previously believed; even to the same extent as serotonin, to which it is increasingly compared. The pineal gland is tiny, points out Dr Luke, and said experiments on rats were also conducted on another set of rats who’d had their pineal glands removed. DMT was still produced at large quantities upon death.

While we’re asking questions like ‘are entities real?’ in the pub, more ambitious brains are looking into the relationship between the pineal gland, DMT and autism (upon which Dr Luke has conducted surveys suggesting “extremely promising data”). While dudes like Andrew Gilmore and Anton Bilton are talking about setting up a DMT hyperspace station for extended exploration and communion.


Strength of street knowledge


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