Kool-Aid Corner
To finish: trippy clippings, merry pranks, and psychedelic student life
Graph of the Week
Attribution of consciousness to living and non-living entities before and after a psychedelic belief-changing experience
After psychedelic experience
Before psychedelic experience
From: A Single Belief-Changing Psychedelic Experience Is Associated With Increased Attribution of Consciousness to Living and Non-living Entities (supplementary material) by Samdeep M Nayak and Roland R. Griffiths, John Hopkins University (2022)
My bookshelf weighs a ton
Notable new purchases for the occult library. Strictly second hand snap-ups only
This week: Transcendent Mind by Imants Barrus and Julia Mossbridge. Swept on for £50 when I noticed prices were going up quickly
Despite what the sort of thing I write in my day job would have you believe, government-backed public education openly invests in paranormal research (for better or worse). It even issues press releases about the positive findings. Here in the UK Northampton University is the crucible of not-so-forbidden learning, with parapsychological research taking place across several departments.
Published in 2015 by the notoriously conservative American Psychological Association Transcendent Mind contains an enthusiastic review of official investigations into consciousness, the soul, supra-physical existence and the cosmic whole.
Drs Julia Mossbridge and Imants Baruss, a former engineering scholar who quit to work as a roofer before taking up psychology, are heavy-hitters in the field. You may also enjoy Alterations of Consciousness: An Empirical Analysis for Social Scientists.