Kool-Aid Corner #8
To finish: trippy clippings, merry pranks, and psychedelic student life
Graph of the Week
Impact of traffic noise on heart disease:
My bookshelf weighs a ton
Notable new purchases for the occult library. Strictly second hand snap-ups only. This week: Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby.
I understand why Cosmic Serpent is overlooked in favour of writings from more local experts like Eduardo de Luna. But it does at least come from the PoV of an intrigued, enthusiastic westerner. Plus it contains not only descriptions of the ceremonial process, but the animistic lifestyle that informs it.
Narby was only in his mid-20s when he travelled to Peru, and soon after first published the book in France in 1995. It was 1998 by the time it made it to the UK. That’s still 25 years ago. Kudos to Narby’s instinct for picking up on the vibe so long ago.