Kool-Aid Corner #3

To finish: trippy clippings, merry pranks, and psychedelic student life


Graph of the Week

Ego-dissolution scores of test subjects



From: DMT Models the Near-Death Experience, Christopher Timmermann, Leor Roseman, Luke Williams, David Erritzoe, Charlotte Martial, Héléna Cassol, Steven Laureys, David Nutt and Robin Carhart-Harris (Frontiers in Psychology, August 2018)


My bookshelf weighs a ton

Notable new purchases for the occult library. Strictly second hand snap-ups only

This week: Listen, Little Man! by Wilhelm Reich with illustrations by William Steig

£6 once 60p

What flirtation with western neo shamanism would be complete without a reminder that the boy who points out the emperor has no clothes is actually banished to the wilderness? It’s only in the modern version he becomes king. Other innovator-pranksters like Reich, and Plato’s favourite Socrates, end up dead.

Reich never intended for this 1945 manifesto to be published. This 1977 version features incredible illustrations by William Steig, who’d go on to write Shrek. Reichian bodywork is part of helotropic breathing and bioenergetics is taught in schools.

It’s more relevant than ever for detoxifying western armouring, but undoubtedly too much like hard work for most. Homemade orgone accumulators at the ready for a pssible comeback nonetheless. Buy my teacher’s new book on Reichian Character Structure to get going, it’s brilliant.


Learning to fly


Exploring Indigenous Traditions and Wisdom with Dr Joe Tafur